KM MADE IS A TRUSTED SUPPLIER THROUGHOUT OUR COMMUNITY!!! This includes other schools! Businesses and organizations are able to save money by utilizing KMHS graphic design services. The service also provides students with opportunities to learn valuable job skills such as time management, quality of work, and of course computer skills. Next semester, our retail and product design class gets going which will continue to expand these offerings.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM ECO CLUB SHIRTS/SWEATSHIRTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE!!! These items will help support club activities and are designed by KM students and produced by KM made. The Kettle Moraine Environmental Conservation Organization is open to all members of the KMHS campus who are interested in working collaboratively on addressing today's most pressing environmental issues. They are a positive and proactive club with projects ranging from forest and prairie restoration to solar electricity and electric vehicle chargers for the school. Purchase your shirts now to show your support for this amazing work!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KMSD USES TEACHERS ON CALL TO PROVIDE SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS!!! Kickstart the New Year with a fulfilling career as a substitute teacher or substitute paraeducator in the Kettle Moraine School District by partnering with Teachers on Call there are endless opportunities that can work for you like weekly pay, the ability to work in multiple schools and flexible schedules! Fill out an online application today: or reach out to Megan at to learn more!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KMSD LISTENING SESSION ON CLASS SIZES JANUARY 23RD IN THE KMHS LIBRARY FROM 6:30-7:30 pm!!! This listening session is a public forum for KM staff, families and community members to discuss class sizes and measures the district is taking to maintain a proper balance.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
Class Sizes
KM DECA had a blast competing in, and hosting district 5 for DECA’s Regional Career Development Conference on January 6th! Congratulations to all of the KM DECA members who competed this past Saturday at DECA’s Regional Career Development Conference. KM marketing students upheld the “laser way” and 21 have earned the right to advance to the DECA State Career Development Conference in February. Top finishers include: Lana Lampsa & Anneke Barnett | 1st place - Entrepreneurship Team Event Cameron LaRoque and Sullivan Vogds | 3rd place - Hospitality Services Team Event Spencer Stuke | 3rd place - Entrepreneurship Georgia Boland & Amelia Lephardt | 3rd place - Sports & Entertainment Marketing Team Jack Molaison | 3rd place - Restaurant and Food Service Management In total 30 Kettle Moraine DECA competitors earned medals in their event competitions. Congratulations to all KM DECA members who competed at this conference! Can’t wait for State!!!
about 1 year ago, KMHS Campus
KM DECA hosts DECA Regional Career Development Conference
KM DECA hosts DECA Regional Career Development Conference
KM DECA hosts DECA Regional Career Development Conference
KMSD Alert: Due to a Winter Weather Warning by the National Weather Service, that significantly impacts travel, all Kettle Moraine Schools will be closed tomorrow January 9th. After-school activities will also be canceled. Watch text and email in case of building-specific details. As this is our one allotted snow day, there will be no virtual classes. The basketball games are being rescheduled as follows: Girls will make up the game on 1/10/24. Boys will make up the game on 1/16/24. The school board meeting that was scheduled tomorrow will be moved to 1/15/24.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
No School
Photography Exhibit | 1.5.24 | 6-7p | KMHS Auditorium Foyer Start THIS WEEKEND by taking in a showcase of creativity and talent as you see the unique and artistic perspectives Teana and Kellsey offer! Feel free to invite your friends, family, and colleagues to this FREE, enriching event!
about 1 year ago, KMHS Campus
Photography Exhibit
ANYTHING GOES was nominated for A LOT of JERRY AWARDS! BRAVO!!! Outstanding Musical Outstanding Ensemble Outstanding Orchestra Outstanding Leading Performance: Amelia Riesing (Reno Sweeney) Josephine Byrne (Hope Harcourt) Leonardo Fredette (Lord Evelyn Oakleigh) William Kastner (Billy Crocker) Thatcher Jacobs (Moon Face Martin) Abigail O’Connell (Emma) Outstanding Supporting Performance: Mirannda Kepplinger (Evangeline Harcourt) William Graeve (Elisha Whitney) Outstanding Direction: Shelley Hooper Outstanding Musical Direction: Emma Milton & Teresa Catania Outstanding Choreography: Hope Riesterer Outstanding Overall Design Outstanding Scenic Design: Matthew Dunlap Overall Lighting Design: Katrina Sturtzen Overall Costume, Wig/Hair, and Make-up Design: Lynne Miner & Abigail Kean Overall Sound Design: Greg Klas
about 1 year ago, KMHS Campus
2024 Jerry Award Nominations
Anything Goes
Wishing you and yours the very best of the holiday season!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KMSD IS SEEKING REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE BUDGET ADVISORY COUNCIL!! Kettle Moraine Parents, Citizens, and Business/Community Partners are invited to collaborate with us to inform our long range budget and operational planning. The KMSD Budget Advisory Council will meet three times in 2024 (3/5, 5/28, and 11/12) to provide constructive/critical feedback on key financial decisions facing the Kettle Moraine School District. This is a valuable opportunity to have a voice in district policy and better understand the financial challenges that impact public education. If you're interested in this effort, or would like to recommend someone, please sign up at
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KMSD 4K-12 NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION FOR THE 2024-25 SCHOOL YEAR IS OPENING SOON!!! Registration for RESIDENTS will open January 18th, 2024. For resident registration information, contact Kristie Feucht at Registration for NON RESIDENTS will open February 5th, 2024. For more information on open enrollment contact Jenny Godin at There is also extensive enrollment information and links on our website at
about 1 year ago, KMSD
RSVP NOW FOR THE KM SHOWCASE – FEBRUARY 21ST FROM 5:30-7PM @ KMHS. THIS K-12 ENROLLMENT FAIR & COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS/NON-RESIDENTS. Talk with administrators, staff, and students from all of our KM Schools! Get a personalized tour of the KMHS Campus, including all of our career pathways and subject areas. Watch video tours of our other Schools! Learn more about K-12 programs, curriculum, and offerings! Get information on the many athletic teams, clubs & activities that are available! Participate in interactive activities and WIN PRIZES!!! To learn more about the many choices in the Kettle Moraine School District... RSVP NOW to our Google form:
about 1 year ago, KMSD
KM SCULPTURE STUDENTS EXPLORE NEW MEDIUMS!!! The students were very excited to try their hand at stained glass. They quickly learned how intricate and involved it can be. Students developed their designs, assigned colors, created templates, cut and shaped their glass pieces, then soldered their design together. The results, while labor intensive, are truly beautiful and will undoubtedly make wonderful holiday gifts!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
stained glass
GET YOUR KM BRANDED GIFTS AT THE LASER LOCKER!!!! Our stylish winter hats, scarves, and accessories make perfect stocking stuffers, white elephant, or secret santa gifts! Plus, we have a huge assortment of pullovers, fleece pants, jackets, pajama pants, and shirts for all of the KM fans on your list! Feel free to get a little something for yourself and fill the gym with KM pride at Friday's basketball game!
about 1 year ago, KMSD
LL ad
Sign up now! Winter skills registration is now open for all KM Lacrosse players who want to hone their skills and be ready for the spring season. It’s also a great way to try the sport for the first time. Open to all boys and girls - youth through high school.
about 1 year ago, KMSD
SHARED LEARNING AMONG KMSD SCHOOLS!!! Some of our most rewarding experiences at KM come from schools working together in mutually beneficial ways that enhance their shared learning. This is a great example! Mr. Bruening's shop students built shut box games for young learners at Cushing. They practiced their skills in measuring, cutting, planing, sanding, die cutting, and assembling the final products. Cushing students will get the benefit of using the boxes to improve their math fluency through game play. "The kids making the shutboxes deserve all of the credit! (They) did a beautiful job on them! They are much better quality than the original prototype I sent," wrote Ms. Mokros.
over 1 year ago, KMSD
shut box
shut box
shut box
shut box
shut box
shut box
shut box
POST SECONDARY INFO NIGHT AT KMHS!!! Thursday Nov 30th, the High School Counseling team held a Post Secondary Information Night with representatives from the UW System, as well as Wisconsin private colleges and technical schools. We also had representatives from the military, Xello, ACT, and scholarship opportunities. We had a great turn out with over 150 people in attendance! This was a wonderful event to help guide high school students as they plan for the future.
over 1 year ago, KMSD
DON'T FORGET – BREAKFAST WITH SANTA TOMORROW, DEC. 2ND FROM 8:30 to 1 PM @KMHS!!!! The pancake breakfast will be held in the cafeteria from 8:30-11:30am and breakfast tickets can be purchased with the QR code or at!. It is $7 for kids under 10 and $12 for adults. The craft fair is free and runs from 8:30am-1pm with about 50 crafters participating. This is a great opportunity to get unique, quality, homemade gifts and decorations for the holiday season! KMSD music groups will playing holiday music throughout the morning and the KMHS band plans activities for kids. Santa and his elves will also be there for photos! The district will also be hosting a t-shirt decorating station, so stop by to visit. We look forward to seeing everyone!!
over 1 year ago, KMSD
This brunch, provided by KM culinary students, will bring KM staff and area First Responders together to celebrate the holiday season and our long history of partnership. Thank you to Albrecht's Sentry for kicking off our fundraising with a $150 donation! When: December 19th from 10 am - 1 pm Where: KM High School Culinary Kitchen B20 (hallway) Culinary students will select recipes, budget their meal plan, prepare dishes, and serve brunch at stations. Mr. Loebel's KMAP students will deliver food to dispatchers. KM Perform students will create portraits to decorate the hallway and band students will be playing holiday music throughout the luncheon. Fundraising will support the food purchased to prepare the meal. Click to donate:
over 1 year ago, KMSD
KM CONTINUES PARTNERSHIP WITH MILWAUKEE BUILDER'S ASSOCIATION PLAY HOME PARADE!!!! KM students will be building three play houses this year for The Milwaukee Builders Association parade of play homes. Mr. Bruening's architecture class designed the houses and his construction class is in the process of building them. This hands-on project pairs high school students with professional builders to form relationships and learn from their experience. This year, KM students have been working with Espire Homes and Victory Homes. The play houses be on display in early January at the builders show, where they will be auctioned off and utilized for student scholarships. We are always excited to feature students pursuing their dreams through the many pathways offered at KM. Thank you Mr. Bruening for making these valuable connections!
over 1 year ago, KMSD